Party Season - How to Avoid Hangovers

It’s that time again when pre-Xmas parties are starting. Although it’s lots of fun to catch up with friends and colleagues, it’s also the season of excess; we tend to eat more, drink more and stay up longer.

Here are few tips on how to avoid hangovers and feel fresher the next day:

- Don’t forget to drink water whilst drinking. If you don’t drink enough water, you can become quickly dehydrated which could cause headache the next day. So drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink.

- Avoid drinks which are full of sugar such as sweet cocktails and anything mixed with coca-cola or other sugary drinks. Did you know that rum & coke contains a whopping 27g of sugar!

- Choose cleaner alcohols: organic red wine or vodka with fresh lime juice and mint. These contain less sugar, additives and some antioxidants (red wine).

- Drink less. It’s important to remember that alcohol is a toxin that disrupts our blood sugar and in excess can damage our liver and brain. Be mindful of how much you drink.

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