Quitting Wheat

You've probably noticed that most of my recipes are wheat-free.  Why? Well, since my early adulthood I've had a love-to-hate relationship with wheat.  I loved it but my body hated it.  

Credit: Tony Martorano

Credit: Tony Martorano

This stormy relationship began during my twenties when I started to suffer from digestive issues; frequent stomach bugs, bloating, flatulence and generally upset tummy. Then fatigue, mood swings and painful mouth ulcers appeared.  After a visit to a nutritionist made me realise that I was wheat intolerant.  I was devastated as I lived on pasta and sandwiches! Quitting wheat was difficult however already after 2 weeks, I had more energy and felt less bloated. 

Now what makes wheat so bad?  Wheat's nutritional status depend on the soil it is grown in, use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides and milling process. High processed wheat such as white bread and pasta are stripped off  the beneficial minerals; iron, magnesium, vitamin E, zinc and added with sodium. Gluten, found in wheat's endosperm, is a glue-like substance that can be difficult to digest. The process also requires a lot of energy to do so which can result in fatigue after eating wheat.  

If you suffer from headaches, tiredness, mood swings, weight gain and unable to concentrate, take time to consider what wheat products you eat and the quantities. You may start your day either with wheat-based cereal or toast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner. And then there are snacks; crackers, biscuits, cakes etc. Wheat can also be found in many shop-bought sauces (soy), soups, even in some chocolates and ice-cream so make sure that you read the labels!  

There are plenty wheat-free options you can have: porridge for breakfast, bean soup for lunch and grilled fish for dinner.  Also experiment with wheat-free flours for baking and cooking such as amaranth, buckwheat (great for pancakes!), quinoa, rice.  So you can still enjoy delicious food which doesn't have a negative effect on your body! 




Happy Eggs!

I just love eggs...for breakfast or for lunch or as a snack!  Eggs are nutritional powerhouses; great source of protein, choline, vitamins A, B and D vitamins and selenium and omega-3.  They do contain cholesterol and lecithin which are vital for building and maintaining cell membranes, production of hormones and bile and help in metabolism of fat soluble vitamins. 

Eggs have gotten some bad press over the years about elevating cholesterol and increasing heart disease risk. Actually only 25% of cholesterol comes from the foods you eat and 75% is made by your own body. Research has found that foods high in saturated fats are more likely to increase your cholesterol than eating eggs. Hence it's better to reduce saturated fat intake such as cheese, cream, fatty meats, mayonnaise, biscuits, pastries. 

Eggs have more unsaturated fats than saturated and is low in calories.  It's best to buy organic eggs and either boil, poach or scramble but not fry! This changes the composition and nutritional value off the eggs, destroying the beneficial omega-3.  

Eating eggs is a good way to boost up your nutrient intake, it can support better neurological function, weight loss and reduce inflammation.  As eggs do not contain carbohydrates or any sugars, they are a great food to balance blood sugar. 


Diverse rye

I've been missing proper rye bread here in Holland and I was over the moon to find 100% rye bread from my local bakery..finally!  

Rye is one of staple foods in the Nordic kitchen and Finnish people consume average of 3 pieces or rye bread a day.  Rye bread (especially 100%)  contains higher amount of nutrients (magnesium, manganese, tryptophan and variety of B vitamins)  than refined wheat bread, therefore making it a healthier choice. It's packed with fibre (approx 4.5g per piece) which aid gastrointestinal health, increase metabolism and support weight loss.

Compared to wheat bread, rye has been found to produce lower insulin response helping to maintain balanced blood sugar level and keep you fuller longer. 

 However if you are avoiding gluten products, rye may not be suitable for you.   

My favourite rye bread toppings:

- Smoked salmon and squeeze of lemon

- Avocado, hummus, black pepper and basil

- Boiled or scrambled eggs 


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Perfect snack!

Chewy Banana & Oat Cookies

Healthy cookies for both parents & kids.  You can add peanut butter or dark chocolate chips for extra deliciousness.  Dairy and wheat-free and only takes 15 minutes to make.  

3 bananas 

230g oats

40g shredded coconut

60g raisins 

2-4 tablespoons olive oil / coconut oil (melted)

200ml honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

1tsp cinnamon 

1 tsp baking powder

1. Mash bananas, stir in olive oil, vanilla extract - all wet ingredients together. 

2. Mix all dry ingredients and add to wet ingredients and mix well.

3. Drop on a baking sheet on baking tray and flatten. Bake for 13-15min in 170C degrees.  




Nuts about Walnuts


We had a great weekend in southern Holland where we picked up few kilos of walnuts from our friends garden.  

Walnuts are one of my favourite nuts and so versatile. They are packed with antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin E (gamma-tocopherol), potassium and magnesium. Nuts are low in saturated fats and have high levels of beneficial monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3.  They can be used in salads, smoothies and are great as a snack. 

Some studies have found walnuts to have a positive impact on health such as: 

  • Decrease LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels which could reduce cardiovascular disease risk 
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Low chronic inflammation



Apples, Apples, Apples!

It's the season for apples and last weekend we visited a fantastic apple picking farm near Amsterdam.  We came home with whopping 15 kilos of apples and this week’s focus has been apples, apples and more apples. 

Apple is a nutritional powerhouse.  It contains fibre, antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids. As part of a balanced diet, apples have been associated to lower risk of diabetes supporting a healthy blood sugar. Other studies have shown that apple consumption could reduce cancer and cardiovascular risk and support weight loss. Medium apple has only 47 calories, making this a perfect snack. 

My favourite apple recipes (dairy and wheat-free and without added sugars)       

  • Apple crumble with whipped coconut cream
  • Porridge with stewed apples and cinnamon
  • Apple, cinnamon, raisin & sunflower muffins
  • Apple crisps


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